Trainer certification

Trainers are trained by the BRH and must pass a certification procedure (AZ 1 to AZ 3) and a communication course for trainers, which precedes basic A1 – A3 training.

The certification includes attending a total of 7 weekend seminars in which participants are taught in the required subjects of human training, dog training, training programmes, communication, fitness, canine science, and other important issues that are necessary for an efficient training programme.

After successful completion of basic seminars, certification seminars can be visited in any order, whereby it is recommended they be completed in the order of 1-3. Every weekend is self-contained, i.e. each seminar ends with a part of the test that relates to the content of the relevant weekend. The test is performed both in theory and in practice. Thus, the Association is one of very few rescue dog organisations that trains and tests its trainers to this extent.